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Something Between Loving the Smell of Napalm in the Morning and Let’s Drop the Big One Now

RageBoyAs I read this headline, it occurred to me that the United States hasn’t actually won — I mean won won, you know, like, won? — a war since dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.


World News via Memeorandum:

The United States on Friday issued a worldwide travel alert to all Americans through Aug. 31 due to an unspecified al-Qaeda threat that led to embassy closures.

“The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the continued potential for terrorist attacks, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa, and possibly occurring in or emanating from the Arabian Peninsula,” it said.

“Current information suggests that al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August. This Travel Alert expires on August 31, 2013.” [More on the new Obama run-and-hide strategy here]

Oh good. Just in time for Ramadan… or Labor Day weekend for you infidels.

We exacted retribution on Japan so severe in two days that it set them to making transistor radios and mopeds as therapy for 20 years. We fire-bombed Dresden, killing 30,000 civilians, and wiped the Third Reich out of existence in less than a year.

Yet we cannot figure out how to gain the respect of a few million tent-dwellers who think of camel balls as a delicacy?

I know it’s just money, but we have spent nearly $1 trillion freeing Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and more than a half trillion helping the Afghans maintain their status as the world’s largest producer of opium poppies, and we can’t even keep our embassies open? In the case of Iraq, we left without a drop of oil for repayment of their war debt.

What, Barack Obama doesn’t want to sleep through another Benghazi? And, brother, is that so not over!

This is how the Obama administration honors the 4,486 young American’s killed in Iraq, the 2,163 in Afghanistan and the multitudes of others who have been maimed?

Okay, forgive me. This will seem… well, hawkish. But why are we not kicking up the cello music and nuking the sh*t out of these mofo barbarians?

Finally, For Robert Stacy McCain and the fine folks at The Other McCain, in strict adherence to Rule 5. D: Feminism Sucks:

Democrat Agenda for Women: Abortion and Also, Getting Groped by Bob Filner

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August 2013

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