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#Bergdahl … the spin gets desperater and desperater

Obama-liar-incompetent-350x250If you are Barack Obama this morning, out there saving the world from the confused state it has been in for the 4,500-plus million years before you arrived, you probably realize there is a “glitch” in the narrative thread of your latest attempt to rewrite history in your own image.

Almost before we opened our eyes this morning Jim Treacher at TheDC had this, and it doesn’t help when the deepest of deep wells on the Left, Rachel Maddow, has to scramble this hard to keep up:


MSNBC host Rachel Maddow made a startling comparison while attempting to justify her unequivocal support of the trade of five dangerous Taliban prisoners for likely Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, equating his dishonorable behavior with Army Pvt. Jessica Lynch’s wrong turn during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Maddow opened her show Tuesday night with a rambling segment missed by almost all other media outlets, in which the liberal television host made the argument that Lynch’s wrong turn into an Iraqi ambush made her a “bad” soldier not so different from Bergdahl and still, certainly, deserving of rescue — something soldiers who served with Bergdahl have claimed he was not worthy of.

Money quote:

“Maybe the U.S. special forces who rescued [Lynch] and the other Americans held in that hospital, maybe shouldn’t have bothered,” she continued. “After all, maybe it was sort of their own screw-up that got them ambushed and hurt and captured in the first place.” [TheDC]

And Maddow’s argument spins off into space from there, presumably to be sucked into a black hole at some future date.

Olbermann! Get me Keith Olbermann on the phone!

So now we have the Jessica Lynch Defense, coupled with last night’s charge by White House official Brandon Friedman that Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon is “a bunch of psychopaths.”

Guys? The Vietnam War called, and it wants its leftwing narrative back.

HT/Jim Treacher

Oh! PS— So, if you are Barack Obama this morning, maybe it’s time to perform that miracle you promised on Inauguration Day 2009: Perhaps cause the rise of the oceans to slow a smidgen or something else really cool like ending Styrofoam.

Maybe then no one will notice you are trying to kick 500,000 valiant U.S heroes under the bus.



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4 comments on “#Bergdahl … the spin gets desperater and desperater

  1. Paul Lemmen
    June 5, 2014
  2. thatmrgguy
    June 5, 2014

    Reblogged this on That Mr. G Guy's Blog.

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