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Slow Mutiny? Lo, the Parting Waters

McCainGrahamHeadsWebI had to laugh the other day, when Mike Barnicle said, “They’re lying about it now.” Wow! Five and half years carrying Obama’s water and now Barnicle takes a meeting with the truth? Other than the fact that Barack Obama has never opened his mouth without lying, what was your first clue, Mike?

Why are the mainstream media suddenly shocked by this train wreck? The Obama administration has been the Gong Show of mismanagement from the beginning.

Deepwater Horizon foot-dragging; green energy boondoggles; jobs just to name a few. Why should we be surprised by the incremental collapse of his administration’s defining legislation?

And again, suddenly, the five, lo, six Democrat “soft votes” that senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham told us were nonexistent to defund, delay or modify even one jot or tittle of the Law According to Barack Obama materialized.  What has changed?

Absolutely nothing.

Yet the sanctity of this holy document caused Republicans like McCain and Graham, not only to unite against members of their own party, but to publicly excoriate them.

If they had stood strong and united what would the outcome have been?

You say, Wait. They didn’t know the rollout debacle was coming! Anyone who believes the GOP hadn’t been forewarned about the impending disaster of the approching rollout is terribly naïve concerning the things of this government. Washington is a sieve.

No, what went on here is far more scurrilous than party infighting; it was concerted deception by establishment members of both parties to destroy a movement, the survival of which neither party’s leadership finds healthy to the well being of their own pampered and overfed asses.

[Off topic, but Lindsey Graham should be ridden out of South Carolina on a rail; John McCain should be recalled by Arizonans.]

Ted Cruz would not have been successful in his drive to completely defund ObamaCare. But unified support in the Senate may very well have given us a less economically lethal ObamaCare. We’ll never know; institutionally corrupt RINOS were too busy bending blades in the backs of conservatives.

Did Cruz make mistakes? We should be shocked to learn he hadn’t. He walked into a den of vipers from both parties and had to negotiate his way virtually alone. In the House, John Boehner got drunk, the actions he was forced to take by his uncorrupted conservative membership were so unpalatable.

So here we are, millions are losing their health care, and red-state Democrats are spinning the cylinder to defy Harry Reid and his corrupt leadership.

With the mutiny we will no doubt hear the back-slapping of Senate RINOs any minute. Now on to the business of helping the administration “fix” its mess.

Network problems for the last two days, but the NSA will be giddy to know that I’m up and running again.

H/T Drudge


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6 comments on “Slow Mutiny? Lo, the Parting Waters

  1. Pingback: The Tapestry of Rights and Obligations | Dead Republican Party (DeRP)

  2. rmnixondeceased
    October 25, 2013
  3. thatmrgguy
    October 26, 2013

    Thanks buddy.

  4. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: Floating : The Other McCain

  5. Pingback: Pretty Girls on a Thurday, Rock Around the Clock Edition | Blackmailers Don't Shoot

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