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NOW Mocks Joni Ernst ‘Bread-bag Shoes’

Bonni-550x289Thanks to the good folks at Twitchy for following up on the stupidity of Florida NOW secretary Bonni Axler, for mocking Sen. Joni Ernst’s rebuttal speech to Barack Obama’s SOTU standup routine.


Following the president’s State of the Union address was no easy task, but Sen. Joni Ernst did what she could to connect with her audience, such as relay an anecdote about wearing plastic bread bags over her feet as a child to keep them dry. A great proportion of America found this unspeakably hilarious, sending #breadbags and #breadbagfeet trending.

Just as Sarah Palin is still haunted by the line that she could see Russia from her house (something she never said), bread bag jokes will apparently never get old, or funny. Campus Reform’s Letty Burgin reports that the secretary of Florida’s NOW chapter was spotted last weekend rocking a pair of bread bags over her shoes.

There is a lot more here and at several other places around the Internet, but you get the general idea; idiot liberals like the partially digested bowl of nachos and cheese you see in this video have no clue about sacrifice and hardship.

She and her hateful cronies don’t know how incredibly blessed they are to be able to wage their evil war against the unborn without fear of reprisal for their twisted views because of people like Sen. Ernst.

For these slimebags, poverty is a reason to rip a baby out of the womb in the third trimester so they won’t have to go to work to support the little bugger. To them, money is something that comes in the mail with a government return address.

These sociopaths don’t see poverty as an incentive but an excuse to ridicule those who work hard, serve their country, raise families and try to make the world a better place for others.

Keep up the good work, NOW.

Oh. And #YOUUGLY …

HT/Weasel Zippers [Image]



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4 comments on “NOW Mocks Joni Ernst ‘Bread-bag Shoes’

  1. thatmrgguy
    January 30, 2015

    Reblogged this on That Mr. G Guy's Blog.

  2. Paul H. Lemmen
    January 31, 2015

    Reblogged this on A Conservative Christian Man.

  3. Chandler's Ghost
    February 6, 2015

    What planet are these people from? I remember kids wearing plastic bags over their shoes in the 80s, and that was in the L.A. suburbs. I’ve also heard similar stories from people younger than me, so it’s not even a generational thing.This is really some binders full of stupid.

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