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Does God Support Climate Change?

Pope-Francis-smiling-warmlyIs Pope Francis Catholic?

This week, God’s Representative on Earth declared that our Lord is a liberal. I’m personally glad for this clarification on the Deity’s political ideology, because I have always wondered.


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind ­human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

A French doubter who authored a book arguing that solar activity — not greenhouse gases — was driving global warming, de Larminat sought a spot at a climate summit in April sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Nobel laureates would be there. So would U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs and others calling for dramatic steps to curb carbon emissions.

After securing a high-level meeting at the Vatican, he was told that, space permitting, he could join. He bought a plane ticket from Paris to Rome. But five days before the April 28 summit, de Larminat said, he received an e-mail saying there was no space left. It came after other scientists — as well as the powerful Vatican bureaucrat in charge of the academy — insisted he had no business being there.

“They did not want to hear an off note,” de Larminat said. [more]

There you have it, deniers; the Creator of climate has made a decision. The man who knows the Man Himself has pronounced it, and your opinion is no longer required.


Back when they called it “global warming” they were caught cooking the books. Then the weather stopped cooperating, so they changed the name to something they thought no one could argue with, and told the deniers to shut up.

And so on…

You know, the Holy Father’s declaration on climate change reminds me a little of Woody Guthrie’s song, “Mean Talking Blues.” The part where the impish right wing meanie says: “God likes unions, and I hate God…”

In the minds of Tower builders, even God has to submit to a little arm-twisting; they are always happy to put words in His mouth because everyone knows that God must be for the collective. Not that God is all that popular with them, to begin with.

And if by some, I don’t know, fluke, one of the polar caps doesn’t melt on schedule …?

Well, God, how absolutely arrogant of You.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. …


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3 comments on “Does God Support Climate Change?

  1. thatmrgguy
    June 22, 2015

    Reblogged this on That Mr. G Guy's Blog.

  2. Father Paul Lemmen
    June 22, 2015

    Reblogged this on A Conservative Christian Man and commented:
    No. It’s properly called ‘weather’. The Vatican continues it’s heresy and deviation from the faith, attempting to continue it’s worldly power. We are in the world but not of the world. The mystical Body of Christ (the community of believers, not a man made/administered organization wielding financial and political might) rules the Church. In the Orthodox tradition, there are three synods that have an equal voice: 1) The Synod of Hierarchs (Bishops) These are the literal successors to the Apostles in unbroken line. 2) The Synod of Presbyters (Priests) These are the learned, in the trenches, men called to be the servants of the Church community, trained by appointed instructors and very learned in not only Theology, but also highly experienced in the day-to-day needs of the Church community. 3) The Synod of the Laity (the believers themselves) These are the selected representatives from every parish community. This is the governance of the Body of Christ, mimicking the Triune nature of God Himself. The Hierarchs reflect God the Father, the Presbyters, reflect the Son (for through those in Holy Orders are the blessings of the Sacraments administered) the the Laity reflect the Holy Spirit, for it is through the faithful believers that Grace is bestowed upon the Church.
    The Vatican eeks to override all that and rule unilaterally as a worldly oligarchy.

  3. Pingback: Trial of Galileo: June 22, 1633 | Batshit Crazy News

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