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Plan C: ‘Ignore the Will of the People’?

Reince-Priebus-800x430Unless you have been in a coma you have already heard North Dakota GOP Party boss Curly Haugland tell us that the RNC will ignore the will of the people in Cleveland, but here is the CNBC video, just in case.

One of the things that has disturbed me most during this primary season, is that supporters of the “outsiders” don’t seem to realize that they are essentially on the same team.

This has been especially true among Trump and Cruz supporters, and the GOP leadership loves it.

But if there is anything we should have learned about this election by now, it is that it is not about the candidates.

It is about us.

We the people.

In the end, one of these candidates will be at least leading, if not a clear winner, going into the convention, and Trump and Cruz supporters alike must realize that the RNC has no intention of nominating either of them.

Wake up, people.

We have seen the enemy, and he is not us.


File Under: The Wrong Right Turn, RINO-Plasty


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RNC: Scrap the Rules?

Barking Hillary

4 comments on “Plan C: ‘Ignore the Will of the People’?

  1. Pingback: Saint McConnell of the GOP Establishment Day | Batshit Crazy News

  2. Pingback: The worst Republican candidate running… | Batshit Crazy News

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    March 18, 2016

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  4. Pingback: So is it confirmed Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch will quash any prosecution of Hillary Clinton? | Batshit Crazy News

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