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‘Little Trayvon’ And The System That Killed Him

trayvon_martin_twitterSo far, no one has been able to explain to me what qualifies Santita Jackson as a voice for black America. Other than that she sang the National Anthem at Bill Clinton’s inauguration and backed up Robert Flack on a tour somewhere. Oh, and that she’s one of Olympic-class race baiter Jesse Jackson’s two legitimate daughters.

I have no idea why I brought that up. Unless it was to show that Fox News, like all of the other network and cable news outlets, are reaching deep in mining “experts” to lay in a racial component to a trial that had about as much to do with race as the Nicole Brown-Simpson-Ronald Goldman murders, when the Dream Team laid it out two decades ago.

Even our president the Healer-in-chief has treated the subject of Trayvon Martin’s death as a national tragedy, as though he were an aberration among the scores of young black men who die violently on a weekly basis in the United States. What, we’re supposed to pay particular notice because this time a non-black pulled the trigger? Wait. The trigger is the real culprit here… or something.

Ms. Jackson is but one small example of a patronizing media’s desperate effort to grubstake a salted claim: That Trayvon Martin was the innocent young black victim of a white vigilante society.

There is an argument for Trayvon Martin, however.

Robert Stacy McCain could enlighten Ms. Jackson (did I mention she is one of Jesse Jackson’s legitimate daughters?) and her colleagues with a few facts, were they inclined to know the truth about little 6’2″ 160 lb. Trayvon. Which they of course are not.

The Other McCain via American Spectator:

… I hadn’t followed every detail of the Trayvon Martin story, which meant I missed one of the biggest untold aspects of the story: How a see-no-evil policy by Miami-Dade Schools resulted in Trayvon getting off lightly — suspended from school for criminal acts that should have gotten him arrested.

The Last Refuge has been trying to call attention to this story for months, but of course, the mainstream media wouldn’t touch it because it looked like a story about demonizing the dead kid. (Mark Steyn had some harsh comments about the beatification of St. Trayvon, if you’re interested.) But I never noticed this angle until Pamela Geller blogged it Sunday and, the more I read about it, the more I realized that this isn’t so much about Trayvon being a hoodlum. No, this is a story about bureaucrats trying to game the system, and pretend that there was less crime in the Miami-Dade schools than there actually was. The villain in this story isn’t a racist, just a disgraced cop:

The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewerly in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman. [must read]

Oh, that.

Yes, some of the reports of Trayvon Martin’s behavior during the weeks and months prior to his death are unsubstantiated, but one thing is clear: he was a troubled kid as often up to no good as not.

The true tragedy of Trayvon Martin is that he thought he could get away with assaulting a pudgy, much smaller, “crazy ass cracker” in a near deserted neighborhood on a dark night. And for good reason: he had been allowed to get away with everything else, right up until that night.

h/t The Other McCain, Hot Air, Jim Treacher, TheDC [Image]

One comment on “‘Little Trayvon’ And The System That Killed Him

  1. Duffy
    July 16, 2013

    This kid was a trouble maker from a broken home, and it showed…….seems like an angry kid ….maybe because his parents divorced when he was young but old enough to be upset…….people have no idea what they do to their kids….the martins looked so polite and controlled but who knows what they were like in a divorce and with trayvon… could have been ugly, we have no idea……but that kid was angry for some reason…….

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