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Rampage at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave: Perp Thought Obama Was Spying on Her… Um, Ridiculous?

Miriam_Carey_Connecticut_DC_Rampage_CrimeYou’re suited up for this, right?

The one-woman Carnado attack at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Friday, was the result of President Obama’s  watching “every move” the woman made.

Wherever would this poor soul get an idea like that?

Just a hunch: Member of the Stanford Young Republicans with Tea Party ties?

All right, this is what we really know about the perpetrator: almost nothing.

Thank God for Sheila Jackson Lee, who gives us minute-by-minute insightful speculation, though. The Republican Party shutdown is responsible.  harry reid

Here is Rep. Lee hoing it up like a South Huston hooker. This is what RRG calls the non-speculation speculation:

Mm-hmm, lean on it, honey.

Of course, if Miriam Carey had been white and Republican, Obama would be out stumping next week, trying to ban everything above two-stroke engines. We’re not proposing outlawing cars. Let’s be clear; we only want four of your cylinders. End Car Violence Now!

C’mon folks, Be Green or You’re Mean! Or something. Okay, you guys lighten up. The movement is short a useable cheer mantra. How about, “Hey-hey, he-he, green will make us squeaky clean…”? See what I mean? Green is tough.

This next part is sad, but it is difficult to ignore the politicalization that has already begun. Now the understandably heartbroken family is questioning the shooting. This from Valarie Carey, sister of the perpetrator and former NYPD sergeant.

I’m more than certain that there was no need for a gun to be used (by police) when there was no gunfire coming from the vehicle,” Valarie Carey said. “I don’t know how their protocols are in D.C., but I do know how they are in New York City.”

Ms. Carey, RRG understands your grief, truly I do, but law enforcement wasn’t your calling, right? No police officer who has seen even a short segment of the footage could possibly believe that.

Miriam Carey was driving a one-and-a-half ton assault weapon and had already injured one police officer. For all anyone in the involved agencies knew, Carey may have been strapped to a bomb or had another weapon, compounded by the fact that her 18-month-old child’s life was in imminent danger.

It should be a lesson to the nation that an irresponsible president can be a dangerous thing. My heart sincerely goes out to this family, but RRG does have some common sense handy. Please don’t make me use it like this again.

H/T The Other McCain


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3 comments on “Rampage at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave: Perp Thought Obama Was Spying on Her… Um, Ridiculous?

  1. Chandler's Ghost
    October 7, 2013

    Before everyone knew who she was, the Lefties were running around screaming about the Tea Party. After everyone knew who she was, the Lefties were running around screaming that she was murdered. Ain’t it grand?

    • Regular Right Guy
      October 7, 2013

      I have to admire their messaging though. Everyday, everyone has the same unified lie to tell. When they make a misjudgment they adjust and, next page, the same unified adjustment. GOP messaging is a train wreck.

  2. Pingback: Pretty Girls on a Saturday, Brazil Edition | Blackmailers Don't Shoot

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