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Oscar Slam Dunk: Because Slavery or Something



In the surprise of the evening last night, 12 Years a Slave won the Oscar for best picture. Gravity won just about everything else. Which begs the question, WTF?

Okay, I’m joking. Everyone knew Slave was going to win. A few years ago George Clooney proudly informed us that the Academy first recognized an African American when it gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939.

And Regular Right Guy remembers thinking at the time, And she had to sit in the back of the room on the night you gave it to her.

Even forty years later Morgan Freeman won for playing a janitor, rather than the brilliant Alex Cross.

But Denzel Washington!

So is Slave Hollywood in a nutshell or what? The actual work isn’t nearly as important as how you feel about yourself after you’ve voted for the PC favorite. You know? How does Gravity win best director, original score, visual effects, sound editing, best sound mixing, best cinematography, best film editing and not be best picture?

Then Cate Blanchet wins best actress for Blue Jasmine and Matthew McConaughey and God win best actor for Dallas Buyers Club? How does Slave win best picture? What was left, best Best boy?

The real surprise of the evening was McConaughey. I’ve never been a fan but the guy totally won me over last night.

Wanna talk bold and risky. Giving praise to that Interloper? Everyone in Hollywood knows the Coen brothers are god.

The RG is very proud of Mr. McConaughey.

And for the record let’s get something straight; there is only one Steve McQueen, and he was neither black nor British. Someone needs to tell this clown to put an initial between Steve and McQueen.

There were a few other surprises. Did any of you guys know that Ellen DeGeneres is gay? All right, it was a joke!

Mrs. Ellen DeGeneres, the former mostly out-of-work actress Portia de Rossi, used to date George Clooney, but apparently something was missing in the relationship. Maybe if George could’ve figured out a way to make it vibrate.

I know, I know. I’m sorry. Because homophobe.

Finally, why is it conservatives are the only ones who are remembering Kim Novak for her stellar career today?

Yes, Miss Novak’s most recent cosmetic surgery may have been unfortunate, but she gave us something so rare in Hollywood nowadays.

Movies we actually want to remember.

Liberal ageist prigs!

Generously reblogged by our buddy Mr. G Guy


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7 comments on “Oscar Slam Dunk: Because Slavery or Something

  1. thatmrgguy
    March 4, 2014

    Reblogged this on That Mr. G Guy's Blog.

  2. gynjii
    March 4, 2014

    LOL, I refuse to watch the Oscars. It makes me feel rebellious and edgy, when really.. I’m just lazy.

  3. Tallgrass Palms
    March 4, 2014

    We’ve always suspected the Academy Awards show was mostly political and rarely based on talent and creativity; however, Sunday night just drove the point home once and for all. Similar thought as yours, how can you award the Best Actor award and the Best Supporting Actor award to people appearing in the same movie, the vehicle allowing them to give award worthy performances, and not give that movie an award? Oh, I know, the word “slave” was in the title of the winning movie, that made all the difference! Hollywood can feel good about itself and the rest of us just had crap rubbed in our faces. The winner……that’s one movie we won’t be paying to see.

  4. edge of the sandbox
    March 4, 2014

    Were there any good movies made last year? Did I miss something?

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