Regular Right Guy

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Earth Tilts, RINOs Notice

eric_cantorOf course the Earth has shifted on its axis before and establishment Republicans thought it was a backlash against Obama and the Democrats. But last night was different; the establishment had to recognize this as a clear message that people are fed up with Washington.

Fed up with them.

And the one that had to have noticed most was John Boehner’s number one attack Chihuahua, Eric Cantor.


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — In an upset for the ages, Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-most powerful man in the House, was dethroned Tuesday by a little-known, tea party-backed Republican primary challenger carried to victory on a wave of public anger over calls for looser immigration laws.

“This is a miracle from God that just happened,” exulted David Brat, an economics professor, as his victory became clear in the congressional district around Virginia’s capital city.

Speaking to downcast supporters, Cantor conceded, “Obviously we came up short” in a bid for renomination to an eighth term. [More]

No, Eric, you came up clobbered.

Last night looked like a frat boy hazing gone terribly awry, where the pledges turn on their upperclassmen and sink broom handles where the sun don’t shine.

I don’t pretend to know much about Virginia 7th District’s Dave Brat, but I don’t think he was really the point last night at all.

The point was, O-duh, close the freaking border. And to quote a certain jug-eared chief executive, “period.” We’ll figure out our “catch and release” policy later.

The establishment has to have known public sentiment on this one issue, yet they have adopted the Democrat narrative on immigration, which has always implied that we hayseeds out here are 1930s Tom Joad throwbacks, or worse, racists.

No way around it; that is just plain stupid.

Last night also said other things:

We are at war with the Democratic Party. The GOP should act like it. There is no negotiating—no reaching across the aisle—with a party so corrupt that it will literally dump thousands of illegals on a state and leave that state without legal or financial recourse.

Congress has the power of the purse. Why has the GOP not cutoff Obama’s funding? Not just for his illegal immigration policies, but also for the EPA, the Labor Department, Education. ObamaCare. Hell, cut off the SOB’s White House living expenses! Everywhere this president flouts the law or established precedent, cut him off.

Regular guys like yours truly don’t purport to know a lot about these things either, but we do know that the Republican House has powers it is not using.

Last night said other things, but one in particular: WE HATE YOU JOHN BOEHNER.

Not everyone in every district will succeed in bringing down their personal RINO this year, or in 2016; some tea party or conservative candidates just don’t resonate. But we regular guys aren’t stupid. Give us a good choice and we’ll dump the establishment every time.

On a much sadder note, last night the South Carolina tea party groups couldn’t get their sh*t together enough to defeat Lindsay Graham.

Graham should have been an easy pick off; he is wildly unpopular in the rest of the country; he is pro-amnesty, was pro-cap and trade, and voted to approve two of the most liberal justices in history.

But conservatives will never defeat any RINO by running six candidates against one incumbent.

Align, dudes!

Anyway, good news in Virginia last night. Now if only Dave Brat can get elected… and he doesn’t pull off a mask at some future date and yell, “April fools! I’m Scott Brown.”

PS— Almost forgot: Last night Dana Perino suggested the House GOP “try something different” for majority leader. Someone like Kristi Noem

Clueless: Adjective. Informal.

File Under: Rino-Plasty



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8 comments on “Earth Tilts, RINOs Notice

  1. Paul Lemmen
    June 11, 2014
  2. Gunny G
    June 11, 2014
  3. thatmrgguy
    June 12, 2014

    Reblogged this on That Mr. G Guy's Blog.

  4. thatmrgguy
    June 12, 2014

    I’d say we’re sorry we couldn’t oust Graham out of his seat, but you’re right…there were too many people other than Graham to choose from.

    I did my part…I voted for anyone BUT Graham.

    • Regular Right Guy
      June 12, 2014

      Broke my heart… I wanted him gone. I should have covered Cantor better, though. It was way more than immigration that took him down. Thanks Mike!

  5. Pingback: Global Warming Is Fake, Bradley Manning Is a Dude and Other Assorted Haterisms | Blackmailers Don't Shoot

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