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Journo James Foley Beheaded; Interrupts Obama’s Vacation

NYPostWait. I was thinking of David Cameron. The British PM canceled his vacation to return home, because he must think the vile beheading of an American journalist was important enough to warrant his undivided attention.

Aren’t you glad we don’t have a silly emotionally unstable president like that?


Over there: “U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short his summer vacation to return to London and chair urgent meetings on the threat posed by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, calling the video ‘shocking and depraved.’”

Over here: President Obama went back to his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard Tuesday evening following less than 48 hours in Washington, leaving people puzzled over why he came back in the first place.

Obama’s two days in Washington were mostly quiet, and concluded with the president receiving his daily national security briefing in the morning, and joining Vice President Biden to huddle with members of his economic team in the afternoon.

Administration officials have insisted for weeks that the president just wanted to return to the White House for a series of meetings, but the explanation was met with a healthy dose of skepticism, since Obama rarely interrupts his vacations.

Well, apropos of that, President Obama did take valuable minutes off his busy recreational schedule to make a statement on this ISIS atrocity. It was predictably absent personal pronouns and self-aggrandizing asides.

Which always seems to be the case when Barack is in his Benghazi-like “Where’s Waldo” avoidance mode. Absent, also, was any hint of the fact that Iraq is hotter than it was when American troops were engaged there.

Or that James Foley would probably be alive if the president would have instituted status of forces, regardless of Iraqi wishes to the contrary. It seems to me we didn’t ask anyone’s permission to go into Iraq; why ask anyone if we can stay?

But, hey, otherwise good week, no?

When the history of the Obama presidency is written, it is hard to believe there won’t be a whole lot of white space.

David Cameron? Thanks for subbing for Barack Obama this week.




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4 comments on “Journo James Foley Beheaded; Interrupts Obama’s Vacation

  1. Pingback: Fore! | Batshit Crazy News

  2. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: What’cha Gonna Do? : The Other McCain

  3. Alex
    August 28, 2014

    Looks like the beheading video was a blood..look at the background. .When Foley speaks no wind…All the sudden when the so called beheading is taking place it gets windy?? Also the knife used was different in length. .

    • Regular Right Guy
      August 28, 2014

      And by this we determine that these are just a bunch of fun-loving Abduls out for a good time? We have videos with them using a human head for soccer practice. They beat and stone unsubmissive women, perform female circumcision and, yes, they do behead people who vote Democrat. James Foley is dead. WTFU.

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