Regular Right Guy

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Is Obama a Muslim Terrorist?

obama_Muslim-Garb-e1285109268923Okay, even the RG isn’t ready to draw this conclusion from Obama’s insane foreign policy decisions. But this article is interesting.

DISCLAIMER: This piece comes from Bad Blue News via The Conservative Papers via WND, the later of which would find a conspiracy in the way Barack pares his toenails. So beware.


CIA Officer Clair Lopez: Obama is a Muslim Terrorist with Brotherhood Ties to Take Down USA

Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she is risking her professional career to call out President Barack Obama in the biggest way possible.

Lopez is well respected in the intelligence community and worked in the Reagan White House. After two decades in the field with the CIA, and as an instructor for special forces and intelligence students, Lopez is now with the Center for Security Policy managing the counter-jihad and Shariah programs.

Now, she is claiming Obama is why America has completely “switched sides” during the war on terrorism. America is now supporting the enemy, especially through the Muslim Brotherhood….

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, “It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.”

And why would Obama want to do that?

As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.” [read it all here]

Since nowhere in this article do we find former CIA officer Clare Lopez saying that Obama is a Muslim terrorist, I am skeptical of WND’s, well, hysterical  conclusions.

Ms. Lopez has raised some legitimate concerns about Obama’s terrorism and Middle East policies, without adding wild conjectures as to his motivations. RRG personally finds it quite enough that Barack Obama’s worldview is a drastic departure from sound U.S. policy. But hey, WND, whatever attracts the nutcakes.

Read and disseminate at your own risk, brothers and sisters; if the NSA doesn’t tap your hard drive, Ansarullah Bangla may send a jihadi anti-blogger to your door.

2 comments on “Is Obama a Muslim Terrorist?

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    September 28, 2015

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