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Full Caf Americano®

Now Blood on Her Hands?

hillary-being-helped-up-stairsThe death of nuclear physicist Shahram Amiri by hanging in Iran last week may have been the result of security laxity by Hillary Clinton and her staff.

You’ve no doubt read about or seen it.

Amiri’s identity may have been inadvertently revealed over the MacClintonBook Pro, in what should have been secret government communiques.

Was Amiri working for the United States inside the Iranian nuke factories?

I suppose one could say, “What difference at this point does it make?”

Fox News:

… [T]here are reports going back years that Amiri, despite his claims to the contrary, was being paid to provide the CIA with information about Iran’s nuclear program.

And, un-redacted Clinton server emails released last year appear to refer to Amiri as “our friend” – though it’s unclear whether those references put him at any additional risk.

An email forwarded to Clinton by senior adviser Jake Sullivan on July 5, 2010 — just 10 days before Amiri returned to Tehran — says: “We have a diplomatic, ‘psychological’ issue, not a legal one. Our friend has to be given a way out.” 

It is now generally accepted, at least by most conservative media, that Amiri was indeed working as a spy for the CIA inside Iran’s nuclear program when he was arrested.

If that is the case, Clinton and her aides may have stepped over the line from simple carelessness to criminal negligence.

Of course, the old tried and true Clintonian “I did not.”

But we may be equally as certain that nothing will come of this latest Clinton… I was going to say “bomb”.

The mainstream media will cover little if any of it, and most Republicans on the Hill will give it a lick and a promise, and drop it into that bottomless GOP things-to-do sinkhole along with Taliban Five, repeal & replace, debt-ceiling ceiling, and curtailing Obama’s runaway budgetary spending.

Full Caf Americano

It seems trite to say it.

But after witnessing the pretzel logic used by FBI chief James Comey last May to clear Clinton of multiple, clearly prosecutable security breaches and their cover-up, it is a given.

Who will hold Hillary accountable, if not we the voters?

And will we?

We have seen the lack of outrage in the public over Benghazi, the national apathy toward email-gate and IRS targeting and NSA spying and, well, we could literally go on until the end of Barack Obama’s term.

But the evil of Hillary Clinton, the sheer wickedness of her thinly veiled socialist agenda; her facility for lying and not caring that everyone knows she’s lying, will pale the criminality of the jug-eared little narcissist currently occupying the Oval Office.

Trite to say as it may be.

What we don’t know, and more than likely will never know, is just how many more Iranian, NoKo, Chinese, Pakistani and other human assets working for our government around the world have died, or will in the future, as a result of Hillary Clinton’s treachery.

File Under: Unmitigated Gall

3 comments on “Now Blood on Her Hands?

  1. Anthony Kitson
    August 9, 2016

    Well, like a previous comment said, she could eat children and her blind lemmings would still elect her. Perhaps she is a student of Anton Mesmer. Sure got Bernie clucking like a chicken.

  2. Pingback: Another Victim of Hillary Clinton: Iranian Nuclear Scientist Executed By Iranians Was Mentioned In Hillary Clinton’s Unsecured Emails | Batshit Crazy News

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