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Disgusting! McCain Caught Up in Fake Trump Sex Scandal?

John McCainAs if the GOP hasn’t had enough bad press, now anti-Trump Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has admitted to propagating a Trump smear so wretched and twisted that it is almost unfathomable.

First the story.


On Tuesday night, BuzzFeed News published an explosive, yet completely unverified, dossier alleging that President-elect Donald Trump engaged in a whole host of, shall we say unusual, sexual activities in Moscow. Matt already wrote about the basics of the report and the blackmail threat, so I’m not going to delve into that.

What’s worth talking about, however, are swirling claims on Reddit that 4chan users on the board /pol/ completely made the entire thing up. According to a variety of posts on the pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald, a user on /pol/, a 4chan board, made up the most salacious story in the report. He then mailed it to anti-Trump Republican strategist Rick Wilson, who then went to the CIA. The story was then included on the dossier published Tuesday by BuzzFeed News.

If this is true, this effectively means that 4chan trolled the U.S. intelligence system and the majority of the U.S. media with what’s basically Donald Trump erotic fanfiction, which is terrifying. [read here]

The wildest allegation in the mystery documents is — get ready, because this is gross — that now President-elect Donald Trump hired two Russian prostitutes to urinate in a hotel bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama.

And now Senator McCain, admits he had a part in passing what anyone should have known was an obvious hoax along to Obama’s politicized intelligence agencies, presumably to use against President-elect Trump.

McCain issued a statement this morning, after he learned he was about to be outed, designed to downplay his involvement. But other sources suggest the senator may be more deeply involved than he is claiming.

I have always disagreed with Donald Trump’s assessment of John McCain’s heroism in Vietnam, but if the senator is as deeply enmeshed in this hoax as is now being alleged, he does not deserve to serve as a member of the U.S. Senate.

Also involved was anti-trump Republican pundit Rick Wilson who allegedly passed the report along to the Obama CIA, who apparently treated it as genuine intelligence.

The story, of course, has already achieved the desired result for Trump’s enemies on the right and the left. It will no doubt gestate in the 24-seven cycle and be spun as fact to the late night audiences right up to Inauguration Day and beyond.

Folks, the New York Times wouldn’t even print this crap, the idea that anyone in the GOP would have their fingerprints on it, is almost incomprehensible.


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