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GOP Player Behind Trump Smear



A wealthy Republican donor paid for the sleazy hired-gun company that compiled the despicable false dossier meant to destroy Donald Trump before he is sworn in as the 45th president.

The Weekly Standard:

Thursday’s New York Times has a report on how the highly suspicious dossier alleging that Donald Trump was compromised by Russian intelligence agents came into existence. Among the other interesting revelations was that the dubious opposition research report was put together by the research firm Fusion GPS:

The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, according to a person familiar with the effort. The person described the opposition research work on condition of anonymity, citing the volatile nature of the story and the likelihood of future legal disputes. The identity of the donor is unclear.

The Standard goes on to say that Fusion GPS is a company that pretty much specializes in trashing anyone for a price.

But there is more.

Fusion GPS was the company brought in by Obama in 2012 to dirty up Mitt Romney and again in 2015 to spin an alternative “reality” on James O’Keefe’s dead-on exposé of Planned Parenthood.

And that says way more about the Republican Party than it does the degenerate Left, whom we already know will stop at nothing to distort the record in winning elected office.

Now factor in the names of known prominent detractors within the GOP who have at least enabled these activities.

Names like John McCain, whom we already know was involved in this latest bottom-feeding effort to derail his own party’s president. And of course wherever McCain goes we know Lindsey Graham will not be far behind.

Those are a given.

But it is the other names, one or two of which may have even been the culprit, that should give conservatives cause to seriously rethink the leaders in their party of choice.

How about Mitt Romney for instance? Mitt was himself ruthlessly maligned by Fusion in 2012, but can we doubt that anyone as personally devoted to the destruction of the Trump juggernaut would go so far as to hire these?

Or the Bush family? They publically denounced Trump, one, George the Elder, stating that he was going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Jeb went so far as to spin bizarre conspiracy theories.

There are many more.

The Koch brothers are prime suspects, Karl Rove, Erick Erickson, the GOP is flush with big money players and insider enablers who stand to loose from Trump’s success.

The Weekly Standard concludes

The who, what, where, when, why, and how of Fusion GPS getting hired to take on Trump is something that the RNC and other Republican operatives ought to get to the bottom of.

That is a very interesting summation.

Because in the entire ugly history of the 2016 presidential campaign it is difficult to come up with anyone more vehemently and venomously #NeverTrump than TWS editor at large William Kristol.

What am I saying?

Insider Washington neoconservatism is as much a religion as it is a political philosophy. And the presbytery of that Church, the leadership, the Never Trump media, and the major party donors who have had the GOP at their beck and call for decades, have a Machiavellian thirst for seeing Donald Trump fail.

Many of them hate Trump and will not give up until they see him destroyed.

Or he destroys them.

We will most likely eventually learn who is behind this latest disgusting smear of Trump’s reputation, but do not for a moment doubt that there are insiders who already know and are doing all they can to assist in facilitating it.

File Under: RINO-Plasty




The Other McCain

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This entry was posted on January 13, 2017 by in #nevertrump, Republicans, RINO-Plasty, RINOs and tagged , , , , .



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