Regular Right Guy

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Ryan and ‘Obamacare Lite’

Perhaps the only thing sadder than having Paul Ryan as Speaker is that Republicans actually begged him to take the job.

Ryan’s Obamacare solution is not just liberal; it is the Megalodon of conservative liberal conciliation.

Ryancare sounds too legitimate so I’m going to resist using the term, as long as I can just call it Romneycare on steroids. It is the ultimate stupid for a party of institutionalized Washington wimps who for some reason continue to get reelected.

As follows:

( – The plan to repeal and replace Obamacare unveiled by House Republican leaders on Monday orders insurance companies to charge people 30 percent more in premiums for a full year if they did not have insurance for 63 days or more in the previous year.

The sections of the Republican bill that create this mandate on insurance companies are titled: “Continuous Health Insurance Coverage Incentive,” and “Encouraging Continuous Health Insurance Coverage.”

The first subsection of the “Encouraging Continuous Health Insurance Coverage” section is entitled: “Penalty Applied.”

This subsection says insurance companies “shall” impose the penalty.

“[A] health insurance issuer offering health insurance coverage in the individual or small group market shall, in the case of an individual who is an applicable policyholder of such coverage…increase the monthly premium rate otherwise applicable to such individual for such coverage during each month of such period, by an amount determined under paragraph (2),” says the bill.

Paragraph 2 goes on to explain that the “increase” in premiums the government will require is 30 percent over the normal premium for the plan.

“The amount determined under this paragraph for an applicable policyholder…is the amount that is equal to 30 percent of the monthly premium rate otherwise applicable to such applicable policyholder for such coverage during such month,” the Republican bill says. [read it all]

Now this alone is truly disgusting, but along with keeping the Medicaid expansion, insurance penalties for non-participants was not unpredictable for system Republicans to attempt.

As usual, the establishment GOP is afraid of all the wrong people: the leftwing media and the 30 million deadbeats who would never vote for them to begin with.

And as long as there is a Paul Ryan in the leadership of the Republican Party and others like him these kinds of sellouts will go on, and the party will continue its tailspin into irrelevancy.

Is there any way this man is not now sharing his office cot with his administrative assistant?

Well, that was uncalled for, and besides it would probably credit Speaker Ryan with undeserved sexual prowess.

I mean he’s already sleeping with 236 Democrats.

File Under: Rino-Plasty


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3 comments on “Ryan and ‘Obamacare Lite’

  1. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: Assault On Meat Mountain : The Other McCain

  2. theebl
    March 13, 2017

    What did I do to piss you off? You blocked me on twitter?

    • Regular Right Guy
      March 14, 2017

      And it was a hard decision. I’m not PO’d, but the truth is you produce a blizzard of tweets everyday that has virtually snow-blinded me to my other content.I post one blog entry a day, on rare occasions two. In those tweets in the past I linked you and some of my favorite followers. But I have always tried to refrain from being piggish about it. I’ve tried to mute you from time to time but muting has not worked. Sorry.

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