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Rush on Lynch-Clinton: We’re Being Played

clintonbilllynchlorettaSurely there must be a way to fit “-gate” into Bill Clinton’s scandalously inappropriate meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch earlier this week.

“Private Plane-gate” doesn’t quite work. “Tarmac-gate doesn’t really have the zing one expects, either, and “Loretta-gate” sounds too much like the reason Bill usually meets women he’s not married to in secluded places.

Well, we’ll have to think about it and get back.

Rush Limbaugh via Drudge:

Essentially what this is — and the Lynch-Clinton meeting is the latest ingredient — we’re being set up for massive disappointment, depression, and dispiritedness.  They’re making it look like, and they have all along, very possible Hillary Clinton could be indicted.  They are toying with us.  They’re dangling this carrot in front us.  “This could be the time. This could be it when we finally get the Clintons once and for all.” 

They drag it out, and they do things like this meeting that apparently compromises the whole thing and jeopardizes the whole thing, release information on all the emails they’re finding and Hillary’s IT takes the Fifth 125 times.  Ask yourself, how many times do people ask you, “Do you really think Hillary’s gonna be indicted?” And they say it with anticipation and excitement. How many times do people ask you that?  They ask me that all the time. 

My answer, by the way, from the get-go has always been, “She’s not gonna be indicted.  There’s no way it’s gonna happen.  You don’t understand the Democrat Party and their use of power if you think their presidential nominee is gonna be indicted by an Obama DOJ.  Ain’t gonna happen.”  [read it here]

And it would be almost delusional to believe otherwise.

Limbaugh goes on to explain his theory, based on his earlier interview with Christian Adams, a former lawyer in the voting rights section of the US Department of Justice.

Of course it’s really not a theory; it’s Clintonian history.

And let’s be careful not to hang the jacket on the Clintons alone; it has been the incestuous MO of the Democratic Party for 40 years.

Republicans indict Republicans in the face of scandal; Democrats give Democrats promotions.

But let’s not even heap the blame here on the Clintons or the Democrats and kiss it off.

Isn’t the problem really with the GOP-led Senate or, if you will, the party’s entire leadership in Washington?

I know, I know. Obvious. But if it is so obvious, how do these guys keep getting elected?

What, like we didn’t known in 2014?

Here are the 10 Republicans who are responsible for elevating Lynch to her position as chief law enforcement officer in the land.

Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah). Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

(Incidentally, John McCain (Ariz.) is busy trying to avoid an entry-level job as a Budweiser salesman in Arizona, or he’d no doubt be listed, as well.)

And it’s even scarier when you realize these same senators would have approved Lynch to a lifetime appointment of the Supreme Court.

If Congress were the U.S. military, most of the Republican establishment could be courts-marshaled and shot for cowardice in the face of the enemy.

Here’s more obvious for you:


File Under: RINO-Plasty


Legal Insurrection

Cover-up worse than the crime: Loretta Lynch needs to resign


UH HUH: WH defends Lynch’s record after Clinton meeting.

Prof. Donald Douglas

Loretta Lynch Regrets Private Meeting with Bill Clinton (VIDEO)

Free Beacon

Jonathan Capehart ‘Interviews’ Attorney General Loretta Lynch


Puh-LEEZE! Lib spin on the Clinton/Lynch meeting has officially gone off the deep end

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  1. Pingback: The Fix Is In: Lying Loretta and #CrookedHillary | Batshit Crazy News

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